One of the first jobs we had was to make safe and clear the garden, which had been a tad neglected for a few years. According to neighbours, maybe 10 or so years before, this garden had been stunning. We found lots of signs of this former glory, but sadly had to remove so much to make it manageable again. It had become overrun my brambles.
So a few weeks after moving in we had a big clearing day, with power tools galore, chopping things down, we began our assault on these rampant invaders of our newly acquired garden. With two young children, and a desire to use our garden for football and barbecues, the brambles were unwelcome visitors with their scratchy, puncture inducing thorns.
A full day of hard work and a strong burning bonfire later; the brambles and remains of a hidden and delapidated greenhouse, were a pile of ash at the bottom of a firebed. Once the dust had settled on the lower slopes the garden had quite a romantic, wild, secret garden feel to it.
We were left with a clean slate, a blank canvas, a huge space left for us to cultivate and turn to our own uses. A garden ready to be recycled for another family to enjoy.
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