Introduction to Homemade & Remade

We moved to our current house in 2016, it was a bit of an adventure.  Relocating, not too far in distance but a fairly big change.  We moved from a fairly modern house to a smaller, older bungalow with "potential" and a big (albeit somewhat sloping) garden.  We had chosen this property with the intention of 'doing some work', and it was exciting.

We have always tried to make our money go as far as it can.  If we could do something ourselves rather than pay someone else, or use old materials to make something new.  Sometimes this may seem to make things harder for ourselves, or that things take a little (or a lot) longer, and some people don't see the sense in that, but it means we can spend our money (if we have it) on the things we can't do, or on the more important things.  It brings a sense of achievement, satisfaction and pride in the things you do manage to do.

Neither of us have any proper training in DIY, carpentry, bricklaying or any such skills, unless you can count GCSE CDT!  We have worked things out, asked for advice, and if still in doubt, consulted the oracle that is Youtube.

It's incredible what you can make from your own waste, offcuts and other people's discarded materials.  We have made unique and personalised gifts and items of furniture.  All it has taken is some thought, imagination, time, some head scratching and a few power tools,  and a lot of things we have made have worked out better for us than anything we could've bought.
